Motivare – cateva teorii care afecteaza procesul de invatare

business skills training, Romana, training diverse
O scurt? poveste despre motiva?ie Una dintre cele mai vechi ?i cunoscute pove?ti legate de modalit??i de a motiva este probabil cea care implic? un morcov ?i o nuia. O veche istorioar? poveste?te cum pentru a-?i detremina asinul s? se mi?te, st?pânul fie îi oferea un morcov, fie îl împungea cu o nuia. În continuare, în pofida tuturor teoriilor legate de motiva?ie, atât recompensa cât ?i pedeapsa sunt considerate factori motivatori puternici. De prea multe ori îns?, au fost considera?i singurii factori motivatori. Filozoful de origine britanic?, Jeremy Bentham, ale c?rui idei au început s? se contureze în primii ani ai Revolu?iei Industriale, la început de secol XIX, a afirmat c? oamenii sunt preocupa?i de propriile interese ?i c? sunt motiva?i s? evite factorii ce cauzeaz? durere sau discomfort ?i…
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A nice metaphor about what are you doing at work

English, training diverse, Uncategorized
I think it circulated on mail or I might have found it somewhere ... sorry for forgetting the where so that I quote it! But it is a nice way of seing things ... Here is the story: "What are you doing?" A passerby asked of three workers standing beside a building under construction. The first worker, looking tired and drained, replied, "I'm just cutting stone." The second one answered with no enthusiasm, "Working to make a living." The third worker, who was singing, said, "I'm building a cathedral!" Are you just cutting stone at work? Is that why you're often drained of energy and void of enthusiasm? Are you just trying to make a living? Is that why you find no excitement in what you do? Or are you…
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